

Page history last edited by LCI, Ltd. 15 years, 1 month ago


What does the content of a quality rubric look like?


Since the purpose of the rubric is to:

  • communicate expectations to a learner before and during the work process,
  • provide students with guidance to how to accomplish the task, and
  • provide students with guidance to improve their work,

the content of the rubric is critical.


Below are the attributes of the content in a quality rubric.


Content (contained in the descriptors/ table cells)

¨ 1. The rubric describes quality content and form (for product and performance rubrics).
¨ 2. The content emphasizes essential aspects of understanding/ability that would be evident in standards.
¨ 3. The rubric is closely aligned with the specific assignment given to students.
¨ 4. The rubric is closely aligned with the checklist (if you provided one for students).
¨ 5. The rubric addresses accuracy of information, where appropriate.
¨ 6. The rubric addresses specificity of information, including detail and example, where appropriate.
¨ 7. The rubric addresses relevancy of information, where appropriate.
¨ 8. The content of the rubric is consistent across levels.


Examples of a quality rubric that:

* describe content and form

* detail connection to learning standards

* closely aligned with the specific assignment given to students


Explore other attributes of a quality rubric through the components below

Dimensions Use of Language Levels Layout




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